Spirit Knows Best Who Need Their Message of Comfort

It has always amazed me, just how the person who needs it the very most will receive a message at a Mediumship demonstration, whether the session is with an audience remotely via satellite, or in person. Thinking back, not too long ago, I was fortunate enough to attend some wonderful mediumship demonstrations by Gordon Smith and John Edward, amongst others, whilst they were touring in Johannesburg, South Africa. As much as myself and my friends would have loved to have received a message at those events, the people who did receive one were very deserving and comforted and so, I guess spirit really knows best who a medium will be directed to, even in a massive crowd. Certain mediums will sense one who has crossed over, almost ´tugging at their coat tails´ with a message for a loved one who will be attending the show hours before the event!

I will never forget such a case during an evening with John Edward because gauging by his reaction, the message he delivered to a lady right at the back of the auditorium also had a profound effect on him because of its distressing content and, probably more so with him being a family man himself.

The lady in question appeared to be in her mid-thirties. His message to her began on a light note as he would refer to her father who was coming through from the spirit world. The father spoke of a sisterly feud and how he wished each sister would cease being so stubborn and find it in their hearts to look to the love that was really there between the siblings. Basically, their father would love to see peace between his daughters.

John continued, but suddenly he was becoming much more serious. He moved on to speak about the same lady´s married life. He picked up an extremely difficult divorce from her first husband. Then, he carried on to say that her second husband left of his own accord. So far the messages for this lady were spot on and she was taking notice. One could see that the message John brought through next was no easy task for him, but that the lady´s father wanted her to hear it, so John said of how, two years prior to the reading, not only did her second husband take his own life in a hotel room, but that he´d taken along her sixteen-month-old baby and her two other children with him, and taken their lives too. You could have heard a pin drop and many of us must have been wondering how this lady was still standing,

The rest of John´s message was one of comfort from the lady´s father. He very much wanted her to know that he had all of her babies in his care and that they were all happy and fine but naturally, concerned about their grieving mom.  This lady had, since the loss of her children contemplated taking her own life on many occasions. And, in rounding up her reading, John brought through some reassurance from her father that there would soon be a new life partner entering her life. Her new love would have children who would benefit greatly from her motherly love. She really would love and be loved deeply.

In the audience that night, there were many who had been affected by and lost loved ones in a violent manner. Those victims who have crossed over by violent means are usually more concerned with those they´ve left behind, as well as how the details of the manner in which they died were impacting loved ones. Just listening to that lady´s message will have had a significant ripple effect on many and made them more aware of their spirit helpers being aware of what they were going through.

In my work, helping people find peace with the crossing of their loved one/s can be challenging because often their transition was far from peaceful.  I feel great empathy for the loss and pain of many individuals who seek my counsel. However, it is important to remain the best support system I can possibly be, and that taking on others´ personal pain will not help anybody and can tend to cloud the clear communication I wish spirit to relay to me.

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